Our duty to you. We understand that your passport is your most important document and that it is natural to be concerned about it. It is important to us that you feel happy with the service and understand our methods of work. The purpose of using a visa service is to save you the time and stress of having to go through the process yourself.
What we do. Global Singapore Associates Pte Ltd will offer advice, provide information and visa application forms, receive documents by courier, email or in person at our office, deliver documents to Embassies and collect documents from Embassies and return the same to clients when visas have been processed. Any enquiries should be directed to Global Singapore Associates Pte Ltd on the provided numbers. During busy periods we may be unable to process your visa at the same time frames as usual. We will concentrate our efforts on processing all visas in time for travel before the trip. We appreciate your forbearance at these times.
Hours of trading are 9.00 am to 6.00 pm Monday to Friday, and a call before visiting is preferable. We are closed on weekends and all public holidays. The first appointment slot is at 9.30 am, and the last – 5 pm.
Changes in regulations/information. Global Singapore Associates Pte Ltd will endeavour to keep abreast of all new visa information and requirements for the Embassies which we handle regularly, however, from time to time Embassies may change their visa regulations/information and we cannot be responsible for any inconvenience or loss due to changes of which we are not aware.
Global Singapore Associates Pte Ltd reserves the right to refuse to accept any application without giving a reason.
Our service charge. Global Singapore Associates Pte Ltd’s service charge to you for processing your visa will be quoted to you at the outset. This may change depending on the time of year. There is an additional charge for urgent applications, which we may accept at our discretion. Once we have accepted your application our service charge will not change unless we are unable to lodge your documents because we are still waiting for you to provide something and the time which it takes you to provide results in your application being lodged during a busier period when we have a higher service charge normally or your application becomes an urgent application for which an additional fee is applicable. You will be notified if this is likely to occur.
Embassies’ visa fees. We cannot be responsible for any increase in Embassies’ visa fees, in such cases the client will have to cover the additional fee.
Additional work. In case an additional work is required before we can lodge your visa application, for example, to make a reservation of a hotel or buying travel insurance, this will be an addition to our service charge for processing your visa.
Payment. Full payment is required before we can process your application. In some cases where a total amount is not known at the time of submission, payment can be delayed until the passport is returned back to the client. Payment by a personal cheque should be done upon lodging; the documents will not be returned until the cheque has cleared. Payment by a company cheque can be made on collection of the passport. Please make cheques payable to Global Singapore Associates Pte Ltd.
Cancellations. Should you decide to cancel your application after we have received and checked all documents and before the documents have been lodged at the Embassy a cancellation charge of 30 SGD will apply. Applications cannot be cancelled and travel dates cannot be changed after documents have been lodged at the Embassy and the full service charge and visa fee will apply. It may be possible to withdraw a passport in extreme emergency depending on the Embassy’s policy, however, visa fees and service charge will still apply. If you are unable to supply any additional documents required by the Embassy on time after we have received and checked your application the application will be deemed to have been cancelled and a full service charge will apply. If the application has already been lodged to the relevant consulate or the consulate was unsatisfied with the provided documents and the client is not able to provide the required documents the full service charge will apply.
Change of travel dates. Should your travel date change after an application is lodged this will normally necessitate in a new application being made, and a new visa fee and service charge being paid, except where the Embassy has issued a multiple entry visa in the first instance and the amended dates fall within the validity of that visa.
Information required in order to lodge your application. You will be provided with information detailing all visa requirements. The information is provided for your benefit and to give your visa the best possible chance of success, however, provision of all information requested does not guarantee a visa. The Embassy will decide whether to grant a visa. Occasionally the Embassy may request additional documents or that you should appear in person. It will be necessary to comply with these requests and you should, therefore, always allow sufficient time for your visa to be processed. We may, at our discretion, accept your instructions to lodge your documents without all of the information we have requested, however, our service charge will apply should the application be refused. If you instruct us to lodge in such circumstances, we will give you our honest opinion of your chances.
Processing times/urgent applications. You will be quoted a minimum processing time when you request information. This is for our benefit and your benefit, it allows for your documents to be checked and lodged in an orderly manner and provided that you have submitted all documents which we have requested at the outset and allowed sufficient time we will re-lodge your application where possible and without further charge should the Embassy request additional documents. The quoted processing times are a guide and may vary during busy periods. The quoted processing time will start from the time we receive all your documents correctly. We may, at our discretion, accept an application where a client has less than our quoted processing time but where there is sufficient time for the Embassy to process the visa. Whether we do accept such an urgent application it will always be dependent upon the documents being supplied as requested at the time we accept the application. If documents are not in order or we have to wait for additional document(s) it may no longer be physically possible for us to lodge your application either because of our prior commitments to other clients or because of the Embassy’s minimum processing time. If this is the case you will be advised and we will return your documents to you. You may be able to apply in person in some cases. If we accept your urgent application we will do our best for you but we cannot take any responsibility for urgent applications. Clients should be aware that if they leave their application to the last minute there is a very great risk that if something does not go to plan then they will not receive their visa in time to travel. Among many things that can go wrong are: Embassy not accepting your documents the first time, Embassy’s computer system being down, Embassy changing processing times, a national holiday of which we are not aware resulting in the Embassy being shut for one or more days, Embassy strikes, transport strikes or delays, flooding, bomb scares, threat of terrorism, accidents or any other kinds of delays. Urgent applications where the client requires their passport back within one working day of the visa being processed incur an additional charge depending on visa type.
Non-urgent applications. Visas will normally be processed in order of travel date and you will receive your visa in sufficient time to travel where your application is a non-urgent application.
If you need your passport back for other reasons. Please do not give us your passport and application if you need it back during the visa process. Unless this has been agreed upon with us beforehand, and where a faster service is required the appropriate fee for an urgent application has been paid, your documents will be processed in the normal manner and you will have to wait until we are able to return them. Please consider this before you give us your documents and rearrange any such appointments where necessary. Where a spouse or parent requires their passport back before your application is processed and where we are not processing a visa for them but need their passport in support of your visa application, you must inform us of this at the time we collect your documents in writing or when you post your documents in, and let us know the date this is needed by. We will do our best to comply with your request if at all possible at our office or by posting them to you. If a genuine medical/family emergency occurs during the processing time which requires your urgent travel to your home country please do not hesitate to contact us and we will do our very best to assist you.
Communication with you. We will check your documents when we pick them up from you. They will be checked again in our office by one of our consultants. If we notice anything which we overlooked the first time we will contact you. We will check your documents when we receive them by post or email and provided you have given us contact numbers we will let you know either by phone, email or text message that we have received your documents and that they appear to be in order or inform you of anything else which may be needed. If you have posted your application and have not heard from us within 3 working days to say that we have received it please do call us. You will be given an approximate date of completion at the time we receive your documents, which, provided you have allowed enough time, will be well before your travel date. It will approximate to our minimum processing times on our visa information sheets. The minimum processing time starts from the time we have received all your documents completely and correctly. We will call, email or SMS you as soon as we hear anything from the Embassy, either if they have requested additional information or when your visa has been granted. It is not necessary to call us during this period unless there is a genuine emergency. If there is anything to discuss we will call you. Repeated telephone calls requesting updates on information or earlier completion dates greatly add to our stress and workload and distract us from the main tasks of tracking the passports which are going in and out of Embassies and of processing your visa application. We are aware of your travel dates and are processing applications in order of travel. Your passport will be returned to you within 1 -2 days of us informing you that the Embassy has granted your visa and always in time for your travel, provided any cheques have cleared. We will inform you again the day we are able to deliver/post your passport and we will let you know when it is available for collection at our office. Please do not call us if you are not travelling urgently and have not paid an urgent fee between the time we let you know your visa is back and the time we call you to make an appointment to collect it (normally within 2-3 working days). We greatly appreciate your patience and it assists us enormously during busy periods. Your passport will be posted back to you (if a postal application) usually within one working day of us receiving it back from the Embassy, provided cheques have cleared. We will inform you when we expect to be posting your passport back. If you have not received your passport back within 2 working days of your travel date, and if you have not heard anything from us or we have not advised you that it will be completed within this 2 day period, please do call us. We can only communicate directly with the person for whom we are processing the visa. It is your responsibility to ensure that the telephone numbers you have given us are correct and messages will be checked by yourself regularly. Please maintain sufficient credit on your mobile and arrange to have it receive voice and text messages should you have it switched off for any reason. If any of your numbers change for any reason please inform us in writing.
Future communication with you. Global Singapore Associates Pte Ltd will retain your details and may contact you in the future with information regarding visas. We will not pass on your details to any third parties.
How we keep track of your documents. Your documents and application are checked when we receive them. All your documents will be placed in your individual bag, so that they are together at all times and protected. After we have checked your documents they are entered in our book under the date in which they come in. The details we record are surname, initial, passport nationality, visa required, fees paid, date received, date lodged in the Embassy, date back from Embassy, date returned to client. The passports are recorded in our system on the day in which they are lodged at the Embassy. We then record them in the diary under date the Embassy has given us for collection.
All service fees, including embassy fees must be paid at time of application. Service fees are non-refundable. Global Singapore Associates Pte Ltd will not be held responsible for any expenses occurred due to delays or refusal of visas. Applicants declare that all information will be provided and if not, Global Singapore Associates Pte Ltd reserves the right to take any action it deems appropriate. Global Singapore Associates Pte Ltd cannot guarantee any visas – this is determined by the Embassy. While every endeavour will be made to ensure that the correct documentation is presented at time of application the Embassy may still choose not to grant the visa without explanation.
Disclosure. You must disclose all relevant matters to us before we collect your documents. This includes but is not limited to, previous misuse of a visa (particularly obtaining a visa from one Schengen state but not travelling to that state on it first), if you have an application already in process, if you have applied yourself or through another agency and have been refused at any Embassy or requested to bring other documents, if you have been banned by any Embassy from obtaining a visa; if you have a dependant’s visa for Singapore, if your passport expires within 12 months or your Singapore visa expires within 3 months, if you have a temporary passport and any other fact which may be relevant to your application. We can often advise you if you disclose the information to us. If you are refused a visa because you have not disclosed some information to us our full service charge will apply.
Copies of documents. Please ensure you keep copies of all your documents, including your passport. We keep copies of your documents for our records only for a limited time. Once we have lodged your application in the Embassy we may be unable to access this information should you need it for any reason. Embassies often retain bank statements, employment letters and any non-original documents relating to travel, e.g. faxes from hotels and internet confirmation. Therefore, if you need this information, it is vital you keep copies.