Russian tourist voucher
A tourist voucher, also known as a tourist confirmation, is required to apply for a Russian visa. It typically allows for a single entry with a maximum stay of up to 3 months or multiple entries with a maximum stay of 6 months (with no more than 90 days allowed within any 180-day period).
To apply for the Russian tourist voucher, complete the application form below and attach a scanned copy of the passport’s bio page and a hotel booking if applicable. Once the form has been completed, you’ll be taken to a different page where you will be able to make a payment straight away.
Processing time for the Russian tourist voucher:
The tourist voucher processing will start after a full payment had been received. Depending on the nationality, it can take anywhere from 1 hour to 1 day to issue a tourist invitation.
Fees for the Russian tourist voucher:
- T1. S$ 68 + GST: tourist voucher (single, under 30 days) for the nationals of Singapore, Australia, Canada, EU, Taiwan, UK, USA;
- T2. S$ 78 + GST: tourist voucher (single, up to 3 months) for the nationals of Singapore, Australia, Canada, EU, Taiwan, UK, USA;
- T3. S$ 88 + GST: tourist voucher (double, up to 3 months) for the nationals of Singapore, Australia, Canada, EU, Taiwan, UK, USA;
- T4. S$ 98 + GST: tourist voucher (multiple, under 180 days) for the nationals of Singapore, Australia, Canada, EU, Taiwan, UK, USA;
- T5. S$ 136 + GST: tourist voucher for the nationals of China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam and developing countries
- All fees and charges are subject to prevailing GST.
Tourist invitation for nationals of Singapore, Australia, Canada, EU, Taiwan, UK, USA
Tourist invitation for nationals of migration risk countries
Business invitation to Russia
To visit Russia for business purposes, you’ll first need a letter of invitation (LOI). We can simplify the process by assisting you in obtaining a business invitation through our trusted partner in Russia.
To apply for the Russian business invitation, complete the application form below and attach a scanned copy of your passport’s bio page and a copy of your residence permit if applicable. Once the form is complete, you’ll be directed to a separate page for immediate payment.
Processing time:
Business invitation processing will start after a full payment had been received. Depending on the nationality and invitation type, it can take anywhere from 1 to 18 days to issue excluding the submission day.
- Up to 20 working days for a single or double entry LOI
- Up to 20 working days for a multiple-entry LOI
- 21 calendar days for an LOI for migration risk countries
- 1 working day for a 3 year multiple entry business invitation for Japan and US passport holders ONLY
As your passport is not needed for processing, you are free to travel in the meantime.
Fees for the Russian business invitation:
- B1. single/double-entry (1/3 months) business invitation for the nationals of Singapore, Australia, EU, Japan, New Zealand, USA: S$ 390 + GST;
- B2. multiple-entry (12 months) business invitation for the nationals of Singapore, Australia, EU, Japan, New Zealand, USA: S$ 485 + GST;
- B3. multiple-entry (3 years) business invitation, for the nationals of Japan and USA only. Please, enquire via email;
- B4. single/double-entry (1/3 months) business invitation for the nationals of China, Indonesia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam and developing countries. Please, enquire via email;
- B5. multiple-entry (6/12 months) business invitation for the nationals of China, Indonesia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam and developing countries. Please, enquire via email;
- All fees and charges are subject to prevailing GST.
- If your nationality is listed in the High Risk Migration countries list, use the “Business invitation for migration risk countries” application form below.
Business invitation for the nationals of Singapore, Australia, EU, Japan, New Zealand, USA
Business invitation for migration risk countries
Payment for a Russian voucher/invitation
To pay for a voucher/invitation to Russia, use your credit card.
Select the type of voucher/invitation you wish to pay for:
Stripe allows you to make a payment with the majority of debit and credit cards or online wallets without the need to register.
- Select the desired invitation type
- In the corresponding field, select the number of applications you are paying for
- You will be forwarded to the secure payment page. Here you will be able to pay for your order with a credit card
- If when making a payment, you are specifying an email address different to the one used in the submitted application, please, let us know who you are paying for by sending a separate email so that we could match the submitted application with the payment made and start the application process.
- T1. S$ 68 + GST: tourist voucher (single, under 30 days) for the nationals of Singapore, Australia, Canada, EU, Taiwan, UK, USA;
- T2. S$ 78 + GST: tourist voucher (single, up to 3 months) for the nationals of Singapore, Australia, Canada, EU, Taiwan, UK, USA;
- T3. S$ 88 + GST: tourist voucher (double, up to 3 months) for the nationals of Singapore, Australia, Canada, EU, Taiwan, UK, USA;
- T4. S$ 98 + GST: tourist voucher (multiple, under 180 days) for the nationals of Singapore, Australia, Canada, EU, Taiwan, UK, USA;
- T5. S$ 136 + GST: tourist voucher for the nationals of China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam and developing countries
- B1. single/double-entry (1/3 months) business invitation for the nationals of Singapore, Australia, EU, Japan, New Zealand, USA: S$ 390 + GST;
- B2. multiple-entry (12 months) business invitation for the nationals of Singapore, Australia, EU, Japan, New Zealand, USA: S$ 485 + GST;
Tourist voucher
1. Tourist voucher (single, under 30 days), 68 SGD
T2. Tourist voucher (single, up to 3 months), 78 SGD
T3. Tourist voucher (double, up to 3 months), 88 SGD
T4. Tourist voucher (multiple, up to 180 days), 98 SGD
T5. Tourist voucher (migration risk), 136 SGD
Business invitation
B1. Business invitation (single/double), 390 SGD
B2. Business invitation (multiple, 12 m), 485 SGD
- Please note: An additional 5% will be added to the total amount. This is what the banks charge us for transactions.